In you are facing any type of child support dispute, it is important to seek the help of an experienced California child support lawyer. With over 25 years of experienced to guide you, the team at the Ortiz Law Group, P.C. understands that each family's situation is unique, and child support obligations may differ. Our family law attorneys can help you advocate for an appropriate amount of support, whether you are the paying spouse or the recipient spouse. We also represent in enforcement of existing child support orders throughout California.
In California, child support is determined by the guidelines set forth in Family Code section 4055 - Statewide Uniform Guidelines for Determining Child Support. There is a mathematical formula that takes various factors into account. Such as, payroll deductions, mandatory retirement contributions, and taxes. It is important to be aware that the calculation may quickly become complicated when there are other factors involved, such as child support for children from previous marriages or other relationships, self-employment income, wage income, or income derived from the ownership of a business.
Parents have a legal obligation to take care of their children financially. They are free to decide between themselves, the amount of child support that should be paid. If the parents cannot decide, however, the court will need to decide for them. For example, the court may consider:
Child support obligations end when a child turns 18 years of age, unless the child has not yet graduated from high school, in which case, child support continues until the child graduates or turns 19, whichever occurs first. California law does not give judges the authority to make a parent pay child support beyond the age of 19, unless the child is physically or mentally disabled.
Since lift is constantly changing, there may be situations in which an existing child support order is no longer appropriate. For instance, a parent's earning ability may change, or a child may develop additional needs. In these situations, a parent may seek to modify an existing order, as long as that parent can show that a substantial change in circumstances has taken place, which necessitates a modification to the child support order.
Child support issues may be highly contentious, and may affect other area's of your case. It is important to have an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. At the Ortiz Law Group, P.C., our California attorneys understand the procedures and facts in a case which can help you succeed. We assist parents in many counties all over the state of California, including Roseville, Sacramento, San Mateo, Redwood City, San Diego, South Lake Tahoe, North Lake Tahoe, West Sacramento, Santa Clara, San Jose, and much more...Give us a call today for a free consultation with an experienced child support and child custody attorney.
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