If you are charged with any criminal offense in Sacramento, the Bay Area, or Southern California, you need the immediate assistance of a criminal defense attorney. A conviction can have devastating results including steep fines, probation, jail time, or even prison. You should never take any type of criminal charge lightly and the more serious the charge, the more important it will be to work with an experienced attorney.
One of the reasons it is so important to contact an attorney immediately upon learning you are facing criminal charges is because oftentimes, immediate intervention can prevent charges from being filed in the first place or minimize the potential charges you are facing. Remember, the prosecutor will only place charges after a full investigation is conducted. If we can conduct our investigation and meet with potential witnesses, we may be able to rebut the results of a law enforcement investigation before charges are filed.
Facing criminal charges is always stressful. If you are facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, contact the office of the Ortiz Law Group immediately. With offices in San Jose, Sacramento, and San Diego. We can help you with your case wherever you are in California. If you have been charged or arrested with a criminal offense, it is important to choose a lawyer who has the credentials and ability to defend your case. The quality and experience of a lawyer can either make or break your situation and can lead to a harsher punishment or an increase in fines. It takes a lawyer with talent, skill, and experience to defend a complex criminal case.
We are passionate about the situations we take on and have successfully handled an abundance of cases. No case is too large or too small. We know that even the smallest conviction can negatively impact a person for the remainder of his or her life. That is why our firm assists clients with all aspects of a criminal case. From you being charged, going to trial, and representation in through the appellate process if necessary.
When in comes to criminal defense, we understand the importance of standing by clients every step of the way. We do not give up on cases by just entering a guilty or “no contest” plea. The entire time, we will be fighting for a not guilty verdict unless it is otherwise in your best interest and you would like to accept a plea bargain. We are prepared to face trial if necessary and will seek optimal results. It does not matter what you have been charged with, we will advocate for your aggressively and represent you.
Facing criminal charges can be very stressful and difficult. If your situation involves a white-collar crime or is a federal case, or murder you will require a law firm who dedicates their practice to criminal defense. Hire a criminal defense attorney who is not afraid to take your case to trial. This can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Law enforcement and prosecutors have extensive resources available to them, and our firm makes sure that we remain up to date on criminal defense laws to provide the optimal skill, knowledge, and experience that our clients deserve.
Contact The Ortiz Law Group, P.C. today for a free consultation. With office locations in Sacramento, San Jose, and San Diego, we are able to assist with all of your criminal defense needs throughout California.
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